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[c6s1] - Tales Of Tabira Chapter 6 Part 4 - Heroes Victory
[c6s1] - Chapter 6 part 3 - Captured
[c6l2] - Chapter 6 part 2 - Heroes Ascend
[c6l1] - Chapter 6 part 1 - The First Assault
[c6s2] - Research Retrieval
[i5] - New Fellowships are Born
[i5] - All in a days work
[i5] - An Unexpected Development
[i5] - Setting up the festivities
[app] - Tales of Tabira App
Chapter Task:
- Select A Task -
[c6s2] - Research and Recover
[c6s1] - The Captain and Her Crew
[c6l2] - Escort Mission
[c6l1] - Making Waves
[i5] - A Well-Earned Break
[c5] - Gilgamarsh's Fate
[i4t2] - Home Movement
[i4t1] - The Battle Bright Temple
[c4ff2] - Berserk
[c4ff1] - Mudslinging
[c4kc2] - Trickster
[i3t3] - Test of Willpower
[i3t2] - Orphanage Overhaul
[i3t1] - A Difficult Debriefing
[c4kc1] - Weaponsmithing
[c3t4] - Long Distance
[c3t2] - Purification Process
[c3t3] - Hit and Run
[c3t1] - Sense of Diplomacy
[i2t2] - Less than Idle Curiosity
[i2t1] - An Explanation of Amnesty
[c2dw2] - And Into the Cauldron
[c2dw1] - Bat Chasers
[c2m2] - Mossarazzi
[c2m1] - To Heal the Sick
[c2ra2] - Lost and Found
[c2ra1] - Plants vs. Bandits
[i1t2] - Big Burrow's Haunt
[i1t1] - The Bunnysitter
[c1k2] - Tales From Tabira
[c1k1] - Goodwill Hunting
[c1s2] - Sanitize and Hypothesize
[c1s1] - Show Me Your Moves
[c1a2] - Your Character Here
[c1a1] - Tabiran Thespians
[c1t2] - Make a Mon Out of You
[c1t1] - Battle of the Bandit
[app] - Team Application (1/2)
[inv] - Honeycomb Storage
[orig] - Original Stories (0/999)
Custom Name:
- Select A Deviation -
Tales of Tabira App
Setting up the festivities
An Unexpected Development
All in a days work
Darkened Deadwood
Tales of Tabira - Team Sharp Blades
New Fellowships are Born
Chapter 6 part 1 - The First Assault
Team Jade Storm App
Chapter 6 part 2 - Heroes Ascend
Tales of Tabira NPC - Illidan
Tales of Tabira app - Pureheart Pirates
Travelers from a distant shore
Reaper's Mark
Research Retrieval
Chapter 6 - Off to War
Chapter 6 - New Recuits (Collab!!!)
Chapter 6 - Dragon Rage
Chapter 6 part 3 - Captured
Tales of Tabira - Team Blue Temptest Triva
Tales of Tabira NPC - Reghar
Tales Of Tabira Chapter 6 Part 4 - Heroes Victory
New Allies Arrive
Tales of Tabira NPCs - The Traveling Peacekeepers
Tales of Tabira - Team Sharp Blades - Trivia
Tales of Tabira - The Prophecy
Tales of Tabira - The Good Old Days
Tales of Tabira - Team IronGuild
Tales of Tabira - Anchored Bonds
Tales of Tabira NPC - Capitao
Tales of Tabira - Phantom Hearts App
Tales of Tabira Npcs - The Young Mystics
Rearrange Chapters
Drag and drop to rearrange the order your chapters will appear
The Captain and Her Crew
The Captain and Her Crew
Escort Mission
Making Waves
Research and Recover
A Well-Earned Break
A Well-Earned Break
A Well-Earned Break
A Well-Earned Break